Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday 13 December 2023 10.00 am

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Venue: Council Chamber, Barnsley Town Hall

Contact: Sukdave Ghuman  Service Director Law and Governance


No. Item


Declaration of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests

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Call-in of Cabinet decisions

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Minutes of the previous meeting held on 29 November 2023 (Cab.13.12.2023/3) pdf icon PDF 84 KB

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Decisions of Cabinet Spokespersons (Cab.13.12.2023/4)

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Petitions received under Standing Order 44 (Cab.13.12.2023/5)

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Procurement of the Older People's Physical Activity Alliance (BOPPAA) (Cab.13.12.2023/6) pdf icon PDF 296 KB

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RESOLVED that Cabinet:-


1.    Approves the joint approach outlined at option 3 and budget detailed at paragraph 3.1 of the report; and


2.    Authorises officers within Barnsley Council to approach the market to inform the procurement of a provider organisation to co-ordinate the Alliance, which works collaboratively to prevent falls and improve the strength and balance of older people; and


3.    Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Public Health and Communities to award the contract for the Alliance following a competitive process.



Provisional Education Outcomes (2023) (Cab.13.12.2023/7) pdf icon PDF 171 KB

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RESOLVED that Cabinet notes the provisional education outcomes in the Borough for 2023, together with the limitations of the data and the action to be taken to continually improve education outcomes.



UK Shared Prosperity Fund Update (Cab.13.12.2023/8) pdf icon PDF 193 KB

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RESOLVED that Cabinet:-


1.    Note the progress made with securing UKSPF funds for the borough, the SY UKSPF Investment Plan and the process for approval of further funds; and


2.    Note the proposals submitted and being delivered using Year Two of Communities and Place theme funding of 0.624M; and


3.    Delegate authority to the Service Director Regeneration and Culture to bid for and receive Year Three UKSPF funds for Communities and Place, Supporting Business, People and Skills themes to SYMCA in order to maximise all further funding opportunities for the borough with future updates to be brought into Cabinet in a timely manner.



Quarter 2 (2023/24) Corporate Performance Report (Cab.13.12.2023/9) pdf icon PDF 201 KB

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RESOLVED that Cabinet:-


1.    Note the contents of the Corporate Performance Report in relation to the delivery of the Corporate Plan priorities and outcomes; and


2.    Agree the Performance Report is shared with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to inform and support their ongoing work programme.



Corporate Finance Performance Quarter 2 2023/24 (Cab.13.12.2023/10) pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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RESOLVED that Cabinet:-


1.    Note the £21.2M projected cost pressure on the Council's 23/24 General Fund budget a deterioration of £3.SM since Quarter 1; and


2.    Note the significant cost pressures that were continuing within Children's Social Care and the plans the Executive Director of Childrens Services in conjunction with the Director of Finance were undertaking to mitigate these pressures; and


3.    Received further updates from Executive Directors on the delivery of their service reviews/efficiencies and future spending plans, ensuring that these were managed within agreed resource envelopes; and


4.    Note the requirement to utilise further reserves should the position not improve; and


5.    Note the current forecast pressure of £0.8M on the Housing Revenue Account; and


6.    Approve the accounting write-off of historic bad debts totalling £0.414M as detailed in the report; and


7.    Note the forecast position on the Capital Programme; and


8.    Note scheme slippage totalling £18.241M; and


9.    Note scheme rephasing totalling £0.976M; and


10.Approve new schemes to be released into the programme totalling £20.165M in line with the agreed 23/24 Capital Programme; and


11.Note the key messages from the Council's Q2 Treasury Management activities.
