Agenda item

Corporate Finance Performance Quarter 2 2023/24 (Cab.13.12.2023/10)


RESOLVED that Cabinet:-


1.    Note the £21.2M projected cost pressure on the Council's 23/24 General Fund budget a deterioration of £3.SM since Quarter 1; and


2.    Note the significant cost pressures that were continuing within Children's Social Care and the plans the Executive Director of Childrens Services in conjunction with the Director of Finance were undertaking to mitigate these pressures; and


3.    Received further updates from Executive Directors on the delivery of their service reviews/efficiencies and future spending plans, ensuring that these were managed within agreed resource envelopes; and


4.    Note the requirement to utilise further reserves should the position not improve; and


5.    Note the current forecast pressure of £0.8M on the Housing Revenue Account; and


6.    Approve the accounting write-off of historic bad debts totalling £0.414M as detailed in the report; and


7.    Note the forecast position on the Capital Programme; and


8.    Note scheme slippage totalling £18.241M; and


9.    Note scheme rephasing totalling £0.976M; and


10.Approve new schemes to be released into the programme totalling £20.165M in line with the agreed 23/24 Capital Programme; and


11.Note the key messages from the Council's Q2 Treasury Management activities.


RESOLVED that Cabinet:-


1.    Note the £21.2M projected cost pressure on the Council's 23/24 General Fund budget a deterioration of £3.SM since Quarter 1; and


2.    Note the significant cost pressures that were continuing within Children's Social Care and the plans the Executive Director of Childrens Services in conjunction with the Director of Finance were undertaking to mitigate these pressures; and


3.    Received further updates from Executive Directors on the delivery of their service reviews/efficiencies and future spending plans, ensuring that these were managed within agreed resource envelopes; and


4.    Note the requirement to utilise further reserves should the position not improve; and


5.    Note the current forecast pressure of £0.8M on the Housing Revenue Account; and


6.    Approve the accounting write-off of historic bad debts totalling £0.414M as detailed in the report; and


7.    Note the forecast position on the Capital Programme; and


8.    Note scheme slippage totalling £18.241M; and


9.    Note scheme rephasing totalling £0.976M; and


10.Approve new schemes to be released into the programme totalling £20.165M in line with the agreed 23/24 Capital Programme; and


11.Note the key messages from the Council's Q2 Treasury Management activities.

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