In this section you can access a wide range of information and documents relating to the council’s decision making processes, find out about forthcoming Council meetings and decisions and obtain details for your local political representatives.
Information regarding Council, Cabinet and committee meetings. You can find the agendas, minutes of previous meetings, as well as officer reports discussed at previous meetings. Information is also provided on dates of future meetings, and issues that will be discussed in future.
Details of this council’s MPs, MEPs and councillors.
It is possible to subscribe to updates in order to receive information via e-mail regarding particular issues and committee meetings.
Contact details for the council representatives on outside bodies and forums that are independent from the council.
Information regarding the decisions taken by Cabinet, committees, etc, as well as officer delegated decisions taken by council officers.
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Any resident of the borough is permitted to ask formal questions relating to the business of the Council. Such questions submitted in accordance with the requirements below, together with an appropriate response approved by the relevant Cabinet Spokesperson or Committee or Regulatory Board Chair, will be attached to the Council Summons (agenda) of the following Council meeting and will be posted with that Summons on the Council Website.
Questions need to be submitted four weeks in advance of the Council meeting (by no later than 4.30pm on the deadline date). Any questions submitted after this deadline will he held over until the following Council meeting).
Questions can be submitted in writing to the Service Director Law and Governance, Council Governance Unit, Core Services Directorate, PO Box 679, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 9JE or by email: (please put ‘Council Questions’ in the subject line).
If you require any further information please contact the Council Governance Unit on 01226 772279.