Executive post

Cabinet Spokesperson Place


Responsible for issues relating to:-


·         Support for Business and Start Up, Business Growth and Inward Investment

·         Regeneration

·         Worklessness, Skills and Enterprise

·         Adult Learning and Apprenticeships

·         Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, including Building Control/Development Control and SYMAS and Highways Development Control

·         Town Centre Management, including Town Centre Market and strategic market development

·         District Markets

·         Housing Strategy and Growth

·         Private Sector Housing, Affordable Housing and Contract and Client Management for Berneslai Homes

·         Energy and Sustainability

·         Culture and Visitor Economy but excluding land assets

·         Regulatory Services, Trading Standards/Environmental Health, including the Dog Warden service

·         Bereavement Services

·         Waste Management and Recycling

·         Highways and Network Management, Bridges and Footpath Maintenance

·         Street Lighting

·         Safer Roads/School Crossing Patrol strategy and operations

·         Drainage and Reservoirs and Flood Management

·         Transport, including Home to School Travel and Looked After Children and specialist transport, Transport Strategy including PTE, and Fleet Management

·         Street Cleansing, Litter Picking and Fly Tipping

·         Car Parks and Car Parking

·         Grounds Maintenance, Horticulture and Arboriculture