RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
1. Delegates authority to the Group Leader Estates to negotiate and agree terms for the acquisition of individual properties in line with the Acquisitions Policy and recommendation 2; and
2. Delegates authority to the Head of Strategic Housing, in consultation with the S151 Officer, to authorise the acquisition of multiple properties up to the total value of £15.000M over the 5 financial years (2024-2028); and
3. Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Core Services to negotiate, conclude and execute on behalf of the council any document or agreement required to conclude the property acquisitions; and
4. Delegates authority to the Group Leader Estates to:
· Enter into negotiations with any third-party landowner(s) or property owners to acquire any interests or enter into agreements to occupy land not in the ownership of the Council necessary to deliver the New Build and Acquisition Strategy, by agreement where possible. Also, to complete any variation to any existing leases on the occupation of land owned by the local authority and where necessary negotiate compensation payments following consultation with Strategic Property Board.
· Negotiate the terms and conditions of any development agreements required with relevant parties, including private developer(s) and housing providers to deliver the New Build and Acquisition Strategy following consultation with Strategic Property Board; and
5. Delegates authority to the Head of Property and Executive Director of Growth and Sustainability to approve the use of Council-owned land for affordable housing delivery noting any potential decrease in/or nil land receipt and the impact on management receipts subject to further Cabinet approval for individual schemes; and
6. Authorises the Executive Director of Growth and Sustainability to undertake all necessary steps to secure development and delivery of the new build pipeline sites including but not limited to public consultation and engagement on individual sites, noting that each site will be subject to a further Cabinet report, and approve (insofar as Cabinet is able to do so) the preparation and progress any necessary statutory procedures (including planning permission) required to develop and deliver the proposed projects; and
7. Delegates authority to submit any full business case(s) and conclude any funding process(es) (including the negotiation of the terms and conditions) to the Council’s Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Executive Director of Growth and Sustainability and accept any available external grant funding to contribute towards the delivery of new build affordable homes; and
8. In principle, authorises the Head of Strategic Housing, under the terms of the Barnsley Contract Procedure rules, to seek tenders and incur costs for any aspect of the delivery of the new build programme and appoint the successful tender on the basis of most economically advantageous bid; and to consider whether the works, services or goods can be provided in-house, subject to value for money considerations. (This could include but is not limited to the external appointment of a legal and other service providers, and costs associated with feasibility works and professional services up to RIBA Stage 3 to allow the preparation of detailed cost plans for Cabinet approval on individual new build schemes); and
9. Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Core Services, to, where necessary, complete due process and documentation required to make and publish any Compulsory Purchase Order’s (CPO) pursuant to relevant legislation, noting that specific details of any identified CPO’s in relation to delivering the aims and objectives of the New Build and Acquisition Strategy would be subject to further Cabinet approval; and
10.Approves of the appropriation of all new build stock and acquisitions into the Housing Revenue Account, which would be managed by Berneslai Homes; and
11.Notes the opportunity to charge Affordable Rent instead of Social Rent on a site-by-site basis through future Cabinet reports for individual new build schemes; and
12.Notes the planned development of a longer-term strategic approach for the future of Council Housing stock aligned to the 30-year HRA business plan; and
13.Notes £14.2M of £30.0M previously approved decarbonation programme has been deprioritised in the MTFS which was approved as part of the 2024/2025 HRA Business Plan budget cabinet report approval.