Issue - decisions

Quarter 1 (2020/21) Corporate Finance Performance Report

15/09/2020 - Corporate Finance Performance Quarter Ending 30 June 2020 (Cab.9.9.2020/13)



(i)      that the current forecast General Fund Revenue operational overspend in 2020/21 of £33.5M which includes the impact of COVID-19 on the Council’s financial position, be noted;


(ii)     that the impact of COVID-19 on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) which shows an operational overspend of £4.8M, be noted;


(iii)    that the overall net impact (after Government funding) of £15.7M, be noted;


(iv)    that SMT identify potential key lines of enquiry emanating from any emerging alternate thinking around future service delivery that could deliver service improvement and cashable efficiencies to mitigate future year budget gaps; and


(v)     that the write off of historic bad debts totalling £0.279M, be approved;


(vi)    that the forecast position on the approved Capital Programme, be noted;


(vii)   that the external funding position highlighted in paragraph 4.7, be noted; and


(viii)  that the key messages from the Council’s Treasury Management activities, be noted.