Issue - decisions

Capital Programme Performance Report - Quarter 2 ending 30th September 2018

04/12/2018 - Capital Programme Performance Report - Quarter 2 ending 30th September 2018 (Cab.28.11.2018/8)



(i)        that the 2018/19 Capital Programme Performance for Quarter 2 ending 30th September, 2018 and the overall five year Capital Programme position, as set out in the report now submitted, be noted;


(ii)       that approval be given for the 2018/19 scheme slippage totalling £5.706m (paragraphs 5.4, 5.5 and Appendix B refer);


(iii)      that the total net increase in scheme costs in 2018/19 of £0.769m (as detailed in paragraph 5.6 and Appendix B) be approved; and


(iv)      that approval be given to the net decrease in scheme costs in future years totalling £0.389m (as set out in paragraph 5.7 and Appendix B).