Agenda item

4 Robin Lane, Royston - 2016/1050 - For Refusal

Erection of 1 no. detached bungalow at 4 Robin Lane, Royston, Barnsley S71 4EA


The Head of Planning and Building Control submitted a report on Planning Application 2016/1050 [erection of 1 no. detached bungalow at Robin Lane, Royston, Barnsley, S71 4EA]


Mr Simon Elliot spoke against the officer recommendation to refuse the application.


RESOLVED that the application be approved, against Officer recommendation, as Members felt that the concerns raised by Officers did not amount to sufficient detriment to recommend refusal of the scheme.  Members delegated powers to Officers to put together the necessary conditions for the approval. 


In accordance with agreed protocol, a recorded vote was taken on this planning application with the amendment to approve the application being:-


MOVED by Councillor Makinson and SECONDED by Councillor R. Wraith, with voting being as follows:-


In favour of the amendment to approve the application:-


Councillors Coates, Gollick, Hand-Davis, Leech, Makinson, Markham, Mathers, Noble, Stowe, Wilson and R. Wraith.


Against the amendment to approve the application:-


Councillors D. Birkinshaw, Griffin, Hayward, Riggs, Spence and Tattersall. 


Three Councillors abstained from voting.

Supporting documents: