Agenda item

Procurement and Financial Update (Cen.14.11.2016/4)


The Area Council Manager introduced the item, reminding Members of the priority areas and underpinning principles agreed at the meeting on 7th July, 2016.


Members’ attention was drawn to the table provided within the report, which provided a position statement on each of the current contracts. It was noted that both of the contracts related to the ‘clean and green’ priority had been recommissioned, with Twiggs Grounds Maintenance and Kingdom Security being successful in regaining the relevant contracts.


With regards to the Family Support priority, it was noted that a ‘Check and Challenge’ exercise was due to take place with the Family Centre and Family Support Service towards the end of the financial year.


Members noted the progress made in procuring a main provider for the service to build emotional resilience in young people aged 8-14.  This included the advertisement being placed on YORtender and Contracts Finder on 2nd November with the deadline for tender submissions being 28th November, 2016. A further update on this would be provided at the Area Council meeting on 16th January, 2017.


The Area Council Manager gave Members an overview of proposals to assist in securing a complementary service to build emotional resilience in young people, more suited to local providers.  It was suggested that a Youth Resilience Fund be launched, with a one off budget of £70,000.  A task group would be established to develop guidance and award criteria for the fund, which it was suggested would be launched towards the end of January, 2017.


In late February to mid-March, 2017 submissions to the fund would then be evaluated by the Central Area Team.  Organisations that met the criteria would then be invited to the Youth Resilience Fund Panel, comprising of a Central Area Team representative and three Members of Central Area Council.  The panel would then recommend projects for approval up to a total value of £70,000.  Funding agreements would then be issued with a view to service delivery commencing in April, 2017.


Members supported the proposal, noting that a similar process had worked well in the past for the Working Together Fund.  Taking into account current issues faced in the area a suggestion was made for the fund to be more flexible than originally proposed, with providers being able to support a wider age range than the 8-14 year old age range previously agreed.  This was discussed, taking into account the work undertaken originally that led to the focus on this age range, and the need for any intervention to be adequately supported to ensure an impact.  On balance Members agreed to support an increased flexibility in the age range of young people targeted (8-19 years).


The meeting went on to discuss the work relating to ‘Reducing loneliness and isolation in vulnerable adults and older people’.  It was noted that a task group had been organised for 24th November, with a view to developing a specification of requirements and procurement strategy to be considered by the Area Council on 16th January, 2017.


Taking account of these timescales, in order to ensure continuity of service delivery and to ensure the effective implementation of the new contract it was suggested that a waiver to the relevant standing orders be sought to enable the contract with RVS to be extended for three months at a cost of £25,000.


Taking into account finances recently approved and earmarked, the Area Council Manager presented an overview of the finances of Central Area Council.



(i)        That the overview of current contracts and associated timescales be noted;

(ii)       That the progress in taking forward the ‘Building emotional resilience and wellbeing in children and young people aged 8-14 years’ procurement exercise be noted;

(iii)      The proposal to identify and procure complementary services to build emotional resilience and wellbeing in children and young people be supported, subject to an increased flexibility in the target age range to 8-19 years;

(iv)     That authority be given to the Executive Director Communities to approve Youth Resilience Fund Grants up to a total value of £70,000 following recommendations from the Youth Resilience Fund Panel;

(v)       That the progress made in taking forward the procurement of a service to ‘Reduce loneliness and social isolation in vulnerable adults and older people’ be noted;

(vi)     That approval be given for the Executive Director Communities to complete necessary paperwork to waive the relevant contract procedure rules to allow the contract with RVS to be extended for a three month period to 30th June, 2017 at a cost of £25,000;

(vii)    Than the financial position for 2014/15 and 2015/16 and projected expenditure for 2016/17-2019/20 be noted.

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