Agenda item

Performance Report (Cen.14.11.2016/3)


The item was introduced by the Area Council Manager, noting that the report covered the period July – September, 2016.  The information relating to the period October – December would be presented to the Area Council on 13th March, 2017.


Members were reminded that Part A of the report provided an insight of the cumulative impact of the use of Area Council finance.  Part B provided an update on the performance of each current contract and service level agreement.


With regards to the contract with Royal Voluntary Service, the service was being delivered effectively with no causes for concern.  Within the previous quarter 111 new older people had been engaged, bringing the total number of people engaged to 727. 


Members noted the case studies within the report and the feedback from a meeting Cllr Clarke and the Area Council Manager had attended with the Inclusion Workers.  It was acknowledged that the commission had assisted older people in the area in many ways, from helping to create artificial gardens to supporting trips to luncheon clubs.


The meeting discussed the situations which may lead to loneliness for older people, including having no next of kin, or family living far away, or indeed family living close but needing to work long hours.


The Chair made members aware that the CCG had recently been through a procurement exercise and now had a provider for social prescribing.


The meeting went on to consider the contract with YMCA. Members heard how the provider was meeting or exceeding the targets set with only an amber rating for ‘outcome indicator targets met’ as no young people had achieved accreditation in the quarter as no moderation had taken place.  Members were reassured that this would be rectified in the next quarter.


The meeting noted that 80 sessions had been delivered in the quarter, with 62 new children aged 8-12 engaged.  There had been a total of 1,589 attendances during the period and there had been at least three sessions delivered in each ward every week.


Members noted the performance of the contract with Kingdom Security, acknowledging that there had been 220 notices issued for littering and dog fouling and 1 notice for a parking violation within the quarter.  1,836 Fixed Penalty Notices had been issued in total since Kingdom Security had been engaged.


The meeting heard how a number of young people had been involved in community litter picks and clean up days instead of paying their fine.  Members discussed the provision of litter bins, noting that a number had disappeared in the area.  It was agreed that discussions take place with Neighbourhood Services to give clarity about the responsibilities for replacing litter bins. 


It was noted that the enforcement service provided through Kingdom was reliant on intelligence being provided, and Members were encouraged to continue doing so through by telephone by calling 01226 772468.


The Area Council Manager made the meeting aware that the performance of the contract with Twiggs was satisfactory with all targets met or exceeded.  All areas identified had been acted up on and jobs completed to a high standard, with 250 additional pieces of work carried out by Twiggs.  Over the summer period Twiggs had supported a number of community groups, and also the work around the Barnsley Main site.  Members praised the work of the team, however noted was the increased need to ensure the team works with communities.


With regards Private Sector Housing Enforcement service level agreement, Members heard how 344 properties had been visited in the previous quarter, making a total of 1,293 properties in total.  It was acknowledged that half of all properties had received three or more visits.  The only ‘amber’ performance indicator was due to ongoing work to more adequately define ‘vulnerable households’.


The officers continued to work closely with PCSOs, landlords and other agencies and Members praised their professionalism and diligence. A suggestion was made to highlight the health benefits of the service level agreement to Public Health.


The meeting considered the performance of the contract to provide a home visiting service for families living in private sector rented housing.  Since 1st June, 2016 9 families had been supported and the ‘Little Monkeys’ support group continues to progress well.  It was noted that the families engaged had been referred to a variety of support services.


Members then considered the performance of the organisations contracted as part of the Youth Programme.  The performance of the immortals project was positive with only an ‘amber’ performance indicator for total number of sessions delivered not being met.  This was due to difficulties in recruiting a skilled volunteer to assist in the delivery of sessions, however it was noted that plans were in place to remedy this in the subsequent quarter.  Feedback was positive with regards to the work especially the work of officers in Hoyle Mill and Worsbrough Dale.


Members heard that, 46 new young people had been engaged in volunteering opportunities through the Exodus project and had assisted at a variety of event around the area.


With regards to the YMCA Y-Stay in project, it was noted that 11 funded sessions had taken place based around Gilroyd, the Aldham House Estate and Measbrough Dyke.  Sessions had been Olympic themed and had been well attended.  Members also noted the sessions held to raise awareness with young people about drugs and drug paraphernalia



(i)        That the contents of the Performance Management Report be noted;

(ii)       That the Area Council Manager discusses the responsibilities for replacing litter bins with Neighbourhood Services.



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