Agenda item

Longcar Housing Development (Cab.5.10.2016/8)




(i)        that approval be given in principle to the proposal for direct development of the Longcar Professional Development (Longcar PDC) site by the Council, on the basis of the viability report at Appendix 3, such site to provide 32 residential units for both sale (28) and rent (4);


(ii)       that Cabinet note that the project has been included within the capital investment priority proposals for 2020 for spending in 2016/17, should the scheme not attract Sheffield City Region Devolution funding and that earmarking of the potential costs will be in advance of the report on the overall priorities for the investment available being brought to Cabinet;


(iii)      that delegation for the final scheme approval (inclusive of the agreed funding and project delivery route) and responsibility for the appointment of suitably qualified contractors be granted, to the Executive Director of Place, following consultation with the Director of Finance, Assets and Information Services.  A final decision regarding the progression of the development will be made following a full financial appraisal at tender evaluation stage;


(iv)      that approval be given for the appropriation of the 4x affordable units associated with the development into the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to be managed by Berneslai Homes (in line with transfer valuations);


(v)       that approval be given to refund the costs associated with the demolition of the former Longcar PDC buildings (completed by Berneslai Homes in December 2015) back into the HRA via a funding transfer or via a reduction in the Capital Receipt to be paid for Section 106 units; and


(vi)      that approval be given to appoint NPS Barnsley as Employer Agent to provide the project management and contract administration role for the duration of the project.

Supporting documents: