Agenda item

A presentation about the Fit Reds initiative by Kieron Campbell and the Fit Me initiative by Shelly Wareing and Suzanne Storey.


Kieron Campbell and James Ritchie were welcomed to the meeting to deliver a presentation about the Fit Reds initiative.  It was explained that the Fit Reds Programme is delivered through a series of weekly sessions over the course of nine weeks with the aim of using football and Barnsley Football Club as an incentive to support men over the age of 35 to make positive lifestyle changes and to be come more physically active.  Sessions last for two hours per night, with the first hour involving discussions and advice about diet, health and wellbeing and the second hour taken up with circuit training and/or football training. 


In addition, Fit Reds ‘Veterans’ sessions enable participants to sustain their behaviour change long term.  It was highlighted that Barnsley is ranked 129th out of 150 local authorities nationally in relation to levels of physical activity.  320 premature deaths per 100,000 people are attributed to inactivity in Barnsley and cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Barnsley.   Although the programme targets those aged 35+, there are a number of programmes for both younger and older participants.  Members were reassured that nobody is turned away because of age.  The ‘walking football’ initiative is particularly popular for those aged 50+.


Kieron and James were thanked for their attendance and contribution.


Members were asked to note that the ‘Fit Me’ presentation has been deferred to a future meeting.