Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Strategy (HWB.04.10.2016/8)


The Board received a report on a draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2020.  The report outlined the Vision and Principles of the Strategy and Key Objectives and Priorities.


The meeting noted the rationale for highlighting the areas to improve at section 3 and the need to emphasise the programme of work in other areas, particularly in relation to children and young people.


The meeting discussed how the strategy could be progressed, particularly through the CCG’s locality arrangements, and the extent to which the Area Councils could support this.  The meeting noted work being undertaken under Manchester’s devolved arrangements to seek support from employers for carers who needed to work flexibly, which might merit consideration in Barnsley.




(i) that the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy be approved and adopted, subject to the revisions now identified;

(ii) that, subject to the completion the further amendments, the  Strategy be referred for consideration by the executive boards of partner organisations for approval and adoption, to be taken into account in their service delivery;

(iii) that, once amended, the final, interactive version of the Strategy be published online with steps to be taken to promote the document within local communities;

(iv) that regular reports concerning progress towards achieving the Key Objectives and Strategic Priorities of the Strategy, together with an analysis of any risks be submitted for the consideration of the Board;

(v) that the Council’s Interim Executive Director Communities investigate the approach being taken in Manchester to seek the support of employers for people with caring responsibilities.


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