RESOLVED that the report notifying the receipt of the following petitions be noted and the recommended actions for responding to them be endorsed:-
Containing the signatures of 220 signatories, in respect of residents feeling that the speed humps on High Street, Great Houghton had become an inconvenience and a hazard. The speed humps were installed to slow down traffic and increase safety. However, the view of signatories was that they had proven to be more vehicle-unfriendly than anticipated. Signatories stated they caused damage to vehicles and could potentially lead to accidents due to sudden braking or swerving. Signatories believed that there were alternative solutions available which could ensure both the safety of pedestrians and smooth passage for vehicles. In other parts of UK such as Wiltshire and Kent, councils had successfully implemented 'speed cushions' which were considered more vehicle-friendly while still effectively slowing down traffic (source: Road Safety GB). Therefore, signatories urged Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council to take immediate action either by modifying these speed humps into a safer design or removing them altogether.
Supporting documents: