Agenda item

Declarations of Interests

To receive any declarations of interest of a pecuniary or non-pecuniary nature from Members in respect of the items on this agenda.


Councillor Burnett declared a non-pecuniary interest in minute number 206 insofar as discussion related to his employment by the NHS and his position on the Trans-Pennine Trail Members Steering Group.


Councillor T Cave declared a non-pecuniary interest in minute number 206 due to his position on the board of Barnsley Youth Zone.


Councillor Sir Steve Houghton CBE declared a non-pecuniary interest in minute number 206 due to the employment of his wife by the Authority.


Councillor Howard declared a non-pecuniary interest in minute number 206 insofar as discussion related to her employment by the Department for Work and Pensions


Councillor Peace declared a non-pecuniary interest in minute number 206 insofar as discussion related to his employment by an organisation which had a contract with the Authority.


Councillor Newing declared a non-pecuniary interest in minute number 206 insofar as discussion related to her employment as a Community Nurse by SWYT.


Councillor O’Donoghue declared a non-pecuniary interest in minute number 206 insofar as discussion related to his employment by the Department for Work and Pensions.


Councillor Osborne declared a non-pecuniary interest in minute number 206 due to his position on the board of Berneslai Homes.


Councillor Peace declared a non-pecuniary interest in minute number 206 insofar as discussion related to his employment by the Department for Work and Pensions.


Councillor Sheard declared a non-pecuniary interest in minute number 206 insofar as discussion related to her position as a Governor of Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.


Councillor Tattersall declared a non-pecuniary interest in minute number 206 due to her position on the board of Berneslai Homes.