Agenda item

Information Governance and Cyber Security Update



S Marshall, Governance and Compliance Manager, and S Waddington, Security and Information Specialist, provided Members with a presentation regarding Server Cloud Migration.


The key points were noted as follows:-


·        Migration to the cloud was a sustainable model moving forwards and would provide futureproofing for the Council.

  • The purpose-built data centres provided built-in resilience.
  • A move to cloud-based systems could provide a 90% reduction in computing carbon emissions and would eventually become carbon neutral.

·       Reasons for the migration to the cloud included strategic gains and overall cost reduction.

·       Progress so far included 30% of servers moved to the cloud and the number of servers and data had reduced pre-migration.


Discussion arose regarding the transfer of risk; it was noted that the data was encrypted and was stored at two data centres. The contract would be in the highest tier of the contract management system and therefore would be subject to risk assessments and exit planning.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.


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