Agenda item

Strategic Risk Register



The Head of Internal Audit, Anti-Fraud and Assurance submitted a report that introduced the next scheduled strategic risks for the Audit and Governance Committee meeting.


The Strategic Risk Register was reviewed by the Senior Management Team (SMT) on 5th September and at that time there were no changes to the number or ratings given to the 13 strategic risks. 


C Speechley, Executive Director Children’s Services, N Sleight, Service Director Education, Early Start and Prevention and S Day, Head of SEND and Inclusion attended to present the report.


Following the outcome of the recent Ofsted inspection which rated Children’s Services as Good,  the Safeguarding Risk had been reviewed and reclassified from a high rating to a medium rating by the Executive Director Children’s Services. 


In regard to SEND, the following key action points were highlighted in the report:


·        Action 1 (RAG rating green) - the implementation of the SEND Improvement Programme.

·        Action 2 (RAG rating green) - ensuring multi-agency arrangements were robust and adequately governed and effective and the Oversight Board arrangements were fit for purpose.

·        Action 3 (RAG rating amber) - the strengthening of consistent and effective co-production, engagement and participation, strengthening the strategic engagement and influence of parent carers.

·        Action 4 (RAG rating green) - the implementation of the DSG Management Action Plan to ensure effective use of resources and the reduction of the in-year deficit which would be scrutinised under the safety valve programme.

·        Action 5 (RAG rating amber)  - the increase of the number of children receiving SEN support in local provision supported by early identification of need, leading to long term positive outcomes.


Regarding safeguarding in Children’s Services, particular reference was made to the following:


·       Action 1 (RAG rating green) - assurance that the suite of policies and procedures are in place and are routinely updated twice yearly and immediately where required. Robust review was undertaken by the BSCP Policy and procedure Subgroup, under the governance of BSCP.

·       Action 2 (RAG rating amber) - a suite of metrics, indicators and data existed to be able to identify changes that could impact on the risks to safeguarding.

·       Action 3 (RAG rating green) - staff workloads were adequately monitored to ensure consistency and the adherence to good practice.

·       Action 4 (RAG rating amber) - multi-agency arrangements were robust, adequately governed and effective. The Safeguarding Partnership arrangements that oversee these had been strengthened with the establishment of a multi-agency Development Board, which was independently chaired.

  • Action 5 (RAG rating green) - quality of practice across children's services was too variable. Practice workstreams had been set up and were being overseen as part of new developments.


Discussion arose regarding risk and assurance, it was noted that routine audits with dip sampling of cases took place, and learning from serious case reviews was disseminated across the country.


The Committee noted that training was undertaken with schools and partners such as GPs on safeguarding and signs to look out for when concerned about a young person’s safety.


RESOLVED that the Committee noted the update.


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