Agenda item

Annual Governance Statement 2022/23



The Head of Internal Audit, Anti-Fraud and Assurance submitted a report presenting the Authority’s 2022/23 Annual Governance Statement (AGS) as required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.   


S Norman, Chief Executive Officer, attended to present the AGS 2022/23.


The report requested the Committee to refer the AGS to the Council for consideration and adoption as part of the process for approving the 2022/23 Statement of Accounts. 


The Committee noted that the Council faced particular challenges including financial pressures, pressures in Children’s Services and the pressures of inflation and the recently agreed pay award.


It was noted that the Council had received a ‘Good’ rating from OFSTED in its recent inspection of Children’s Services which highlighted that the extra investment in Children’s Services was producing positive outcomes.


The Council was responding to financial pressures with its extensive transformation programme which was detailed within the AGS.


Since the draft AGS was considered by the Audit and Governance Committee in May 2023 there had been a number of changes made to the document. Of particular note were reference in the Executive Summary to the Council winning 2 prestigious awards and a new section 10 on Council wholly owned companies.


The Action Plan was appended as Appendix 1 to the Annual Governance Statement and outlined the items upon which further action was required.  An update of the Action Plan would be submitted to the Committee throughout the year.


Member discussion arose regarding governance improvement actions that had been in place for a period of years. It was noted that this was because those actions were kept in place until it was satisfied that they were embedded.


Members provided feedback on wording within the report, it was noted that this would be looked at in the future drafting of the AGS.





(i)                 That the Committee considered the final AGS which reflects the annual review of  the effectiveness of the governance arrangements in place and the actions arising;


(ii)               RECOMMENDED TO FULL COUNCIL ON 23 NOVEMBER 2023 that the final Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 be approved and adopted; and


(iii)              Noted that the Committee would receive updates on the progress of the actions identified in the AGS Action Plan at future meetings.



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