Agenda item

10 Year Celebration Reflections (Nac.11.13.2023/5)


Councillor Leech referred to the 10 year celebration event that had been held on Friday 29 September 2023 at Staincross Working Men’s Club.  He considered it to have been a fantastic event which had been enjoyed by everyone in attendance.  He expressed his thanks to the Area Manager and her team for all the work involved.


The Area Manager gave thanks to Members for all their help and support in the preparatory work and for providing assistance at the event.  She also wished to express special thanks to Christina who had made favours to be handed out to everyone at the end of the evening.


Councillor Howard considered that it had been a fantastic event, and she expressed her thanks to the Area Team for all the organisation involved.  She requested that a letter of thanks be sent to Christina on behalf of the North Area Council.


Approximately 120 people had attended the event.  During the evening presentations had been received from each of the Ward Alliances, all attendees had received a raffle ticket to be entered into a free prize draw, and performances had included the Angel Voices Community Choir.


Members noted that the North East and South Area Councils were still to hold their 10 year celebration events.


RESOLVED that Members noted the update.