Agenda item

Questions by Elected Members

To consider the following questions which have been received from Elected Members and which are asked pursuant to Standing Order No. 11.


1.    Councillor White


‘Is the Council considering or investigating introducing ULEZ anywhere across the Borough in the foreseeable future?’


2.    Councillor Webster


‘After the recent excellent campaign highlighting the issues on breast cancer and the focus of it on the females of the community, does the Cabinet Member agreed that we should also be raising the profile of male breast cancer?  This is a rare as a cancer but still needs men to be aware and have the knowledge of how to check themselves and the confidence to report any issue to their GP as a matter of urgency.’


3.    Councillor Fielding


‘When will the council be replacing the six properties lost to fire on Woodland Drive?’


4.    Councillor Hunt


‘When will Market Gate bridge be open?’


5.    Councillor Fielding


‘Why has the council allowed the project on the plot of land in front of Dodworth Library to remain incomplete for so long?’



The Chief Executive reported that she had received a number of questions from Elected Members in accordance with Standing Order No. 11.


1.    Councillor White


 ‘Is the Council considering or investigating introducing ULEZ anywhere across the Borough in the foreseeable future?’


Councillor Higginbottom, Cabinet Spokesperson for Environment and Highways, responded by saying no.


2.    Councillor Webster


‘After the recent excellent campaign highlighting the issues on breast cancer and the focus of it on the females of the community, does the Cabinet Member agreed that we should also be raising the profile of male breast cancer?  This is a rare cancer but still needs men to be aware and have the knowledge of how to check themselves and the confidence to report any issue to their GP as a matter of urgency.’


Councillor Cain, Cabinet Spokesperson for Public Health and Communities, said that the council and partners were committed to supporting residents to spot the signs of cancer, and that this was for both men and women.  The council was currently using data and insight to prioritise public health work on the main types of cancer that affected residents. 


She added that breast cancer was extremely rare in men, with less than five men being diagnosed in Barnsley in the last two years, compared to 503 women in this time.   It was highlighted that men can experience similar signs and symptoms of breast cancer to women, so everyone must be aware. Members heard that the council had undertaken significant work to improve breast cancer awareness and increase screening uptake. This included encouraging and supporting people to attend their cancer screening appointments if eligible, promoting the Community Diagnostic Centre at The Glass Works, and contacting their GP if they were worried about any symptoms they may have. 


Early detection and prevention campaigns such as the national Be Clear on Cancer campaigns also encouraged people to go to their GP straightaway if they notice any symptoms or changes. 


By way of supplementary question, Councillor Webster asked the Cabinet Member thought that children should be taught how to check themselves for all types of cancer in school, to enable them to have the ability to know when something was wrong?


Councillor responded by saying that young people in Barnsley were supported and worked with, as well as parents and other agencies, to make everyone in the borough aware of cancer. The council worked with stakeholders to make sure relevant information was provided to young people.


3.    Councillor Fielding


‘When will the council be replacing the six properties lost to fire on Woodland Drive?’


Councillor Franklin, Cabinet Spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture responded by stating that, a previously advised, no decisions had been made regarding the re-development of the site at Woodland Drive. The former site of 14-20 Woodland Drive had been fenced and grassed in the interim period, pending the completion of the clearance of properties at 10 and 12 Woodland Drive in the new year.  


Councillor Fielding then asked the following supplementary question:- would the cabinet member agree to meet with him and residents as part of the decision-making process in planning for the future of the site.


Councillor Franklin responded by agreeing that he would endeavour to.


4. Councillor Hunt


‘When will Market Gate bridge be open?’


Councillor Franklin, Cabinet Spokesperson Regeneration and Culture responded by stating that the council was currently planning for Market Gate Bridge to be open to the public during the weekend commencing on the 8 December 


He added that there would be a soft opening that would give the public access over the bridge. During that weekend the current temporary bridge was also expected to be removed. There would, however, still be some elements of the work that would need completing after this weekend, primarily relating to public realm adjacent to the new bridge. It was anticipated that this work would be early in the New Year.  


Whilst there had been a slight delay, Councillor Franklin hoped that members would appreciate that this was a large, complex project and officers were doing all they could to complete the project as quickly as possible. He added that the new bridge would be a fantastic addition to Barnsley’s skyline and town centre, that the whole town could be proud of. 


By way of supplementary question, Councillor Hunt asked that, given that the vast majority of people using the new bridge would have to cross lanes of traffic to get to and from the Metrodome, Oakwell, or home, what provision would be made for pedestrians using the bridge to cross the nearby road safely?


Councillor Franklin responded by stating that for any football match, whilst not fully policed, the area would be well policed, and at the last match the highways officer was also in attendance.  However, assurances were given that checks would take place.


5. Councillor Fielding


‘Why has the council allowed the project on the plot of land in front of Dodworth Library to remain incomplete for so long?’


Councillor Franklin, Cabinet Spokesperson Regeneration and Culture responded saying that the hard landscaping works were all complete. There had been a delay with the contractor being able to source replacement coping stones and in attending to defects that the Council identified. That element had been resolved. ? 


In addition, the council had been awaiting the winter planting season before carrying out the soft landscaping and planting. It was expected that this work would be completed in the financial year. 


Councillor Fielding responded by stating that the work had not been completed, with some walls incomplete and flag stones loose. By way of supplementary question, he asked whether the spokesperson could commit to ensuring the project was finished.


Councillor Franklin replied that he and an officer would go and look at the site.

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