Agenda item

Annual Health & Safety Report 2022-23


S Dobby, Head of Corporate Health, Safety and Emergencies presented the Annual Health & Safety report for the year 2022-23.


Key highlights of the report included:


·         All audits showed a satisfactory level of compliance with governance arrangements for health and safety.

·         There had been an improvement in compliance with requirements to develop risk assessments.

·         The RIDDOR reportable accident performance when compared to national statistics remained favourable (around 45% lower than national rates at 1.8 incidents per 1,000 employees in the Council compared to 3.2 incidents per 1,000 employees nationally).

·         An increase in reported accidents to 74 had been reported, this was albeit remaining below pre-pandemic levels and mirroring increases in reportable accidents nationally.


Member discussion arose regarding the pre-pandemic levels of performance as mentioned in the report. This information could be found in previous years reporting and it was agreed that the Members could be provided with a high-level summary of this.




(i)            The Committee note the report; and


(ii)          That Members are provided with a summary of pre-pandemic levels of performance.

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