Agenda item

Strategic Risk Register


M O’Neill, Executive Director Growth and Sustainability, attended to present the Strategic Risk Register concerning Zero Carbon and Inclusive Economy.


In regard to Zero Carbon, Action One was rated green, Actions Two through to Six were rated amber and Actions Six and Seven were rated green.


In regard to Inclusive Economy, Actions One through to Three were rated green and Actions Four through Eight were rated amber.


The following key points of the report were noted:


·         The Strategic Risk Register was reviewed by the Senior Management Team (SMT) on 5th September and there were no changes to the number or ratings given to the 13 strategic risks.

·         The Positive Climate Partnership had taken shared ownership of the zero-carbon agenda at a Borough wide level.

·         The Council continued to work closely with Berneslai homes to develop a retrofit strategy.

·         The Council would ensure that carbon literacy was a key principle of its procurement strategies and social value requirements for key contracts.

·         The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis continued to have a significant impact on the local economy. The Council had developed a robust response to support local businesses.

·         The membership of the Inclusive Economy Board was currently being reviewed to ensure that it was fit for purpose.

·         Footfall in the borough had increased with a strong performance reported in quarter one of this year.

·         The borough continued to see retail contraction due to national high street chains going into administration.


In the ensuing discussion the following key points were highlighted:


·         The Carbon Management Group was already convened with various task and finish groups however it was noted that a broader membership across the Council was needed.

·         The frequency and risk of abnormal weather events such as heavy rain and flooding continued to increase, the Council continued to monitor this via the Positive Climate Partnership.

·         The Council was at the early stages of understanding the totality of data regarding carbon and therefore detailed reporting would be available in due course.

·         The Council was committed to its Zero Carbon 40 and Zero Carbon 45 goals irrespective of any change in national government policy.

·         The Committee would be provided with a financial breakdown of the costs associated with the Zero Carbon strategies however it was noted that this was captured in the Medium-Term Financial Plan and efficiencies had been created via carbon reduction strategies.

·         Discussion arose regarding the most substantial threats to creating an inclusive economy. It was noted that economic inactivity can cause lack of growth, and that 28% of Barnsley residents were classed as economically inactive which was significantly higher than the Yorkshire and Humber average.

·         The Inclusive Economy Board was independently chaired with senior  officers fully involved in drafting the Inclusive Economy Strategy.

·         Buy in from other Directorates in the Council regarding Inclusive Economy was noted, the risks identified were an SMT risk which required whole Council and partnership working via the Inclusive Economy Board.


RESOLVED that Committee note the update.

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