Agenda item

Report on the Use of Ward Alliance Funds (Dac.04.09.2023/9)


The Area Council Manager submitted a report on the spend to date from the Ward Alliance Funds within the Dearne North and South Area.


It was noted that within the Dearne North Ward Alliance there was a starting balance for 2023/24 of £12,270.17 which included the underspend of £2,270.17 from 2022/23.  Eleven projects had been funded at a cost of £8,088.49, leaving a balance of £4,181.68.  Within the Dearne South Ward Alliance there had been a starting balance for 2023/24 of £16,031.04 which included an underspend of £6,031.04 from 2022/23.  A total of nine projects had been funded at a cost of £9,468.57, leaving a balance of £6,562.47.


RESOLVED that the Dearne Area Council received the Dearne North and South Ward Alliance Fund Report and noted any spend to date for the Dearne North and South Ward.

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