Agenda item

Housing and Cohesion Officer, Kev Frisby - Verbal Update


Kev Frisby, Housing and Cohesion Officer joined remotely and was welcomed to the meeting.


He outlined the work in which he had been involved over the last quarter.  He had spent a great deal of time working in Elizabeth Street in Goldthorpe.  Eleven Notices had been issued and of the 31 houses, there were currently 12 vacant and a number were for sale.  He had undertaken a visit last Thursday with Paul Brannan (Head of Safer Barnsley) together with representatives of the NHS and with Councillors.  It was hoped that improvements would be made shortly as an indication had been received that some of the houses were to be bought.


He had also spent time in Thurnscoe and Bolton on Dearne but Goldthorpe had taken most of his time.  He was continuing to work with schools and with safeguarding leads who were undertaking Early Needs Assessments as required.  He was also hoping that as a result of this work, landlord issues could be identified and dealt with.  This work would continue once schools re-opened in September.  If anyone had any issues or concerns in this respect, they should raise them with him direct.


He had tired to undertake work within Family Centres, but this had not been successful largely because parents just wished to drop their children off and pick them up as quickly as possible.  It may be appropriate, therefore, to look at alternative times for undertaking such work.


Questions were raised about the plans for Frederick Street.  Arising out of this Kev stated that he had received a complaint but not been aware of how bad things had become.  He was dealing with a backlog of work and had delivered a letter to tenants and to owner occupiers.  This afternoon he was to write to the owners of the tenanted properties asking them to contact their tenants.  He also reported that 5 gardens had been in a shocking state and the tenants/owners had been given 14 days to have the necessary works undertaken to tidy them up. 


Members were then given a brief update of the additional money obtained and the uses to which this was put.  Kev reported that he had £3,000 which, at his discretion, he could use for vulnerable families for various issues and particularly in relation to hygiene concerns.  He was looking to develop this work further, but money had to be used sparingly.


Arising out of the discussion, reference was made to the work of the Renaissance Centre, to Key Worker referrals and to the way in which duplication of referrals could be avoided,  It was noted that many people who were out of work as well as some who were in work were struggling at the moment because of the cost of living crisis.


Kev also reported that, for personal reasons, from 1st January, 2024 he would only be working four days per week.  The Area Council Manager was currently discussing the future funding arrangements.


RESOLVED that thanks be given for the presentation and update and that Kev be thanked for all his hard work.