Agenda item

Priority Working Group - Member Representation (Nac.10.07.2023/7)


A report was presented which highlighted the purpose and function of the

Priority Working Groups and to ensure that each ward was represented on each of the working groups.


Through the working groups, each ward was represented in the planning, development and delivery of Area Council services and projects which were designed to benefit the North Area as a whole, and enabled information sharing to all North Area Council Members to increase understanding and ownership.


Councillor Leech requested Members to contact the North Area Manager if they wished to swap their representations from any of the Priority Working Groups as detailed within the report.




(i)          the North Area Council Members adopt at least one priority or project per Member;


(ii)         in doing so the representative agrees to participate in priority working groups to ensure that each ward is represented in planning, development and delivery of projects that benefit the North Area as a whole.

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