Agenda item

Neighbourhood Warden and Community Safety Update (Cath Fairweather - Community Safety Coordinator) (Nac.10.07.2023/4)


Members were provided with a presentation from C Fairweather, Community Safety Officer, which provided an update on joining forces for a safer Barnsley by creating a safe and welcoming place for all.


It was noted that changes had been made to the working arrangements for wardens in August/September 2022, who now operate centrally from Barnsley Police Station and go out into their respective areas.  Town centre wardens continued to operate, and plans were underway to recruit additional wardens to provide for 12 wardens out in the neighbourhoods.


Following a number of queries received by Members, C Fairweather would provide feedback to Members via the North Area Manager in relation to:-


·                To determine whether the wardens’ working times had changed.

·                To provide a warden structure chart.

·                To ascertain whether the wardens contacted the RSPCA regarding the

          individuals that were begging with dogs at Asda, Old Mill Lane, Barnsley.

·                To provide further information on the off-road bikes that were ridden on                 

          Harry Road Park, Barnsley.


During Quarter 1 2023, Op Voyager had ran in Athersley and New Lodge with the wardens alongside South Yorkshire Police Officers from the North Area Team.  This had resulted in a total of 70 plus vehicles having been stopped and checked for speeding and other offences, and a total of 10 waste carrier license checks having been conducted.


Wardens carried out a range of duties which included addressing the begging issue at Asda, Old Mill Lane, Barnsley.  They also undertook collaborative working with the homeless team and South Yorkshire Police to ensure better outcomes for victims, shoppers and staff, and patrolled the rivers and reservoirs daily following reports of children swimming.  Targeted patrols continued at Darton Park with the CCTV van and anti-social behaviour surveys were completed.  Approximately 42 hours of patrol and engagement had been undertaken at Mapplewell Park following reports of

anti-social behaviour.  Patrols at the park would continue to provide reassurance to the community.


During Quarter 1 2023:-


·                20 fixed penalty notices had been issued.

·                20 South Yorkshire Police incidents had been responded to.

·                13 environmental investigations/prosecutions had been undertaken.

·                3 vehicles had been seized for fly tipping.

·                70 anti-social behaviour targeted patrols had been undertaken.

·                6 abandoned vehicles had been removed.


Councillor Hunt suggested that it would be beneficial to Members for future reports to contain targets to enable comparisons to be made.


On numerous occasions Councillor Lofts had reported criminality and anti-social behaviour at the bottom of Woodstock Road and under the bridge to Tinkers Pond.  He suggested that a presence from the wardens was required at those locations.


Councillor Leech advised Members to contact C Fairweather directly via email with any additional questions.  He expressed his thanks for an interesting and informative presentation.


RESOLVED that Members noted the presentation.