Agenda item

Presentation from the Youth Association on the StreetSmart Programme


Dmitry Fedotov and Faye Dolan from the Youth Association were both welcomed to the meeting. 


Members were provided with a presentation on the Youth Association’s StreetSmart detached youth work Programme which had commenced in the North East Area from 1 April 2023.  The Programme consisted of two different types of workshops.  Firstly, ‘StreetSafe – an interactive street-based workshop which promotes positive attitudes and reduces crime and violence.  And secondly, ‘StreetVoice’ – a street level youth empowerment work for young people to influence local decision making and take collective action.


From 1 April 2023, the Youth Association had been working with groups and young people in all of the Wards across the North East area.  A summary of the most common themes identified when speaking to young people in each Ward was noted as anti-social behaviour, drugs, sexual health and mental health. 


The presentation went on to provide Members with an overview of the Street-based curriculum and details of the young men’s and young women’s programmes which were delivered through sports, arts and voice and creative media work. 


The outcome aims of the StreetSmart Programme were as follows:

1.          Young people improve understanding of crime and violence

2.          Young people are empowered to be capable activists, skilled in self-organisation, problem solving and critical thinking

3.          Young people become less likely to adopt attitudes that contribute towards violence against women and girls

4.          Young people improve mental wellbeing and self-awareness


Members noted that a package of support was available to community groups, which included a level 2 and level 3 Youth Work course, mentoring for each group or organisation, peer support group and quarterly deep dives training. 


Members asked if the Youth Association received referrals for children who were self-harming.  In response, Members were informed that there was currently no specialist programme provided the Youth Association in Barnsley.  If a young person was identified by the Association to be self-harming or suicidal, then they would signpost them to other organisations. 


Members asked how the Youth Association would be measuring the success of the programme.  In response, it was highlighted that the Association would firstly use tangible qualitative evidence.  For example, by asking a young person to provide a testimony (either written or verbally).  Secondly, the Association would look at qualitative outcomes and assign proxy measures.  For example, when a young person takes a sense of pride in an achievement during the programme.  And thirdly, receiving feedback from others, for example, from schools, community teams and the police. 


Members noted that the Youth Association had been invited to attend future Ward Alliance meetings to provide Members with updates in relation to the work taking place in their Wards. 


RESOLVED that the Youth Association be thanked for their presentation.