Agenda item

Sports Van - Summer 2023 (Nac. 22.05.2023/7)


A report was presented to make Members aware that there was an opportunity to fund a sports van in the North Area over the summer 2023.


The Sport and Active Recreation Team had commissioned a sports van which had been delivered by Reds in the Community to provide activities for young people in summer 2021.  Following the success of the programme, the sports van had been funded again by the Area Council in 2022.


Members were informed that should the Area Council wish to fund the sports van for summer 2023 that a programme of pop-up provisions would be co-ordinated.


The North Area Manager suggested that the sessions be held over a 2 – 3 hour period with a fortnightly provision in the individual wards.


In response to a request made by Councillor Tattersall for the information to be made available online as early as possible, the North Area Manager commented that leaflets would be taken into schools and provided to those families that find the summer holidays to be financially challenging.


The North Area Manager would provide Members with the programme for the events and the leaflet to be produced by Stuart Rogers.




(i)         that Members considered the opportunity to fund a sports van in the North Area over the summer 2023;


(ii)       that Members discussed the risks associated with funding short term provision;


(iii)     that Members confirmed the decision to fund the sports van, at a cost of £2,100;


(iv)     that Members confirmed a capped budget for refreshments, cost £600.

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