Agenda item

Updates from Community Development Officers on Annual Ward Performance (Neac.25.5.2023/6)

- Cudworth (Michelle Toone)

- Royston & Monk Bretton (Christie McFarlane)

- North East (Daryl Hand)


Michelle Toone (Community Development Officer) provided an update on the Cudworth Ward Alliance Performance report for 2022/23.


The following key highlights were noted:

·            The key priorities for the Cudworth area did feed into the Ward Alliance Action Plan.  All projects did meet the Ward Alliance priorities and did add value. 

·            The Coffee and Conversation Group had been reinstated by the Ward Alliance working alongside Age UK.  Volunteers were currently being identified who could help move the project forward.

·            During 2022/23, a mixture of grants had been given to local community groups with community empowerment projects accounting for 49.7% of the funding available. 

·            The main spend during 2022/23 was in relation to Christmas provision to promote the Ward Alliance and to recreate community events pre-pandemic.  It has also been a good opportunity to engage with three local primary schools and to support the high street. 


Christie McFarlane (Community Development Officer) provided an update on the Monk Bretton Ward Alliance Performance report for 2022/23. 


The following key highlights were noted:

·            To restore community spirit and bring people together, five Christmas community events had been supported across the Ward. 

·            Remembrance Sunday events in the Monk Bretton Ward had been supported by the Ward Alliance with the local churches and other organisations. 

·            The Monk Bretton Ward Alliance Achievement Awards had been hosted with 3 local primary schools engaged.  27 pupils had been recognised for their academic achievements. 

·            As part of the 12th Barnsley Monk Bretton Air Scouts Group’s 90th birthday year, the Ward Alliance had allocated funding towards new flooring at the Group’s Rotherham Road centre. 

·            To assist residents with the cost-of-living crisis, More Money in Your Pocket events had been funded by the Ward Alliance. 

·            An Action Plan had been developed for the In Bloom award entries with assistance from the Friends of Monk Bretton Park. 

·            The Ward Alliance had commissioned Reds in The Community Sports Van to deliver a number of outdoor sports-based sessions across the Ward during the 2022 school summer holidays. 


Christie McFarlane (Community Development Officer) provided an update on the Royston Ward Alliance Performance report for 2022/23. 


The following key highlights were noted:

·            2022/23 had been a busy year for the Royston Ward Alliance, there had been a large focus on environmental projects.

·            The Achievement Awards had been hosted with the 4 local primary schools.  36 awards had been presented to the young people.  

·            The Ward Alliance had supported a Jubilee small grants fund with 11 activities funded across the Ward. 

·            A grant had been provided to the Royston Canal Club to replace a community noticeboard and contribute to the fish restock programme. 

·            The Ward Alliance had supported volunteers across Royston as part of the Adopt a Planter Scheme to strengthen the In Bloom competition entry.  

·            The Royston Christmas Carol Service had also been supported.  

·            The Ward Alliance’s priorities for 2023/24 (in line with Barnsley 2030 objectives) included developing an Action Plan to support the In Bloom entries, supporting the Royston Summer Gala on 1 July 2023.  Work and planning was also taking place around the Achievement Awards and a summer programme which would offer free swimming and fishing.


Daryl Hand (Community Development Officer) provided an update on the North East Ward Alliance Performance report for 2022/23. 


The following key highlights were noted: 

·            The 2022/23 North East Ward Alliance priorities had been the Cost of Living crisis, Social Isolation, Environment and Youth Provision. 

·            The Ward Alliance had supported 5 projects in Great Houghton. 

·            The Ward Alliance had supported 5 projects in Brierley. 

·            The Ward Alliance had supported 4 projects in Shafton. 

·            All four Ward Alliance priorities had been met in projects taking place in Grimethorpe. 

·            All four Ward Alliances in the North East area had supported a ‘Jubilee Fund’ with £2,325 grant awarded to individuals, groups and organisations/businesses. 

·            During 2022/23, the North East Ward Alliance had contributed towards 27 projects in total spending £15,979.88.

·            The North East Ward Alliance’s priorities for 2023/24 would be Social Isolation, Environment, Youth Provision, Information Support and Community Engagement. 


On behalf of the Area Council, Councillor Hayward thanked Michelle Toone, Christie McFarlane and Daryl Hand for their updates. 


RESOLVED that the updates be noted.

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