Agenda item

Quarter 4 (January to March 2023) Performance Report (Neac.25.5.2023/4)


Lisa Phelan, Area Council Manager, submitted the North East Area Council Project Performance Report, which gave an oversight and update on the delivery of the commissioned projects for Quarter 4 - 2022/23 (January to March 2023).


The report outlined, amongst other things, how the projects within the Area Council area were meeting the Council’s Corporate Priorities and the 2030 Ambitions. It also gave details of how projects were being delivered together with performance data against targets where appropriate.


Lisa Phelan provided assurances that all projects funded by the Area Council had regular contract management meetings with her to ensure that projects were on track to deliver their funding targets.  There were currently no concerns in relation to any of the funded projects to bring to the Area Council’s attention.


It was noted that work was now taking place to strengthen relationships with project providers.  A local network had been created to discuss operational responsibility and to also look at the potential for future collaborative funding bids. 


RESOLVED that the Project Performance Report for Quarter 4 – 2022/23 (January to March 2023) be noted.

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