Agenda item

Outcomes from the Cost of Living Workshop (Nac. 22.05.2023/6)


A report was presented to appraise Members of the discussions that had taken place at a workshop held in May 2023.  It was considered that the information may be used to help develop a time limited opportunity funded by the North Area Council.


Members noted a summary of information from the workshops that had been held during 2022 and in May 2023 to look at the cost of living and how the North Area Council could respond together with the profiling for the North Area funds.  At the workshop held on 10 May 2023 Members had been informed of the Household Support Grant to support residents, of which a total of £4.7m had been allocated to BMBC for the period April 2023 – March 2024, with a total of £800,000 to be used to fund community-based services that can support individuals through the continued cost of living crisis.  The aim of which was to provide support for food, energy and water costs, and wider essentials.  In relation to sports and recreation, an update had been provided on the What’s Your Move programme to include Ramp Up (bike confidence, skills and maintenance), the Walking Festival (May 2023), Move More Month (June 2023) and the Summer Cycling and Sports Van Opportunity (July 2023).


The Area Council has identified £10,000 saving from other commissions that has been earmarked for a cost of living project focussed around food access. 




(i)        Members noted the summary information for workshops held during 2022;


(ii)      Members noted the more recent update from the workshop held in May 2023;


(iii)     Members agreed that the Priority Working Group would develop the North Area project outline to support the cost of living crisis, enabling the Area Manager to make progress.

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