Agenda item

Strategic Risk - Financial Sustainability


Members received the report of the Director of Finance to provide an update on the Council’s Financial Sustainability Strategic Risk, in particular referencing the 2023/24 Budget, Council Tax Setting and updated Medium Term Financial Strategy for the period covering 2023-2026.


During Member discussion it was raised that some schools across the borough were under significant financial pressure and questioned whether this could have budgetary impacts. Members additionally  advised that negative feedback had been received due to school budgets being linked to SEND provision, despite fixed costs being consistent. The Council was working with schools to overcome budget challenges, but ultimately support would not be funded by the Council. It was advised that the Head of Internal Audit, Anti-Fraud and Assurance was to meet with the Executive Director Children’s Services to look at working with a cluster of schools on identifying where efficiencies could be made.


An additional query raised by Members related to the local government finance settlement and monies being set aside. It was advised that the only element not allocated in the budget was a general social care grant of £7 million  which was being held back.




1.    That the report be noted; and


2.    That the Director of Finance arrange a briefing to Members on the detailed content of the report. 



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