Agenda item

Environmental Priority Transition to Community Caretaker SLA - Matt Holdroyd (Nac. 13.03.2023/4)


A report was presented which appraised Members of the current position regarding future Environmental commissioning.


Following the agreement made by Twiggs GM Ltd and the North Area Council to conclude the current contract on 31 March 2023, a decision had been reached at the North Area Council meeting held on 16 January 2023 to change the direction and to develop a Community Caretaker model with BMBC Neighbourhood Service.  An agreement had been made for a budget envelope of £125,000 p.a. over a two year duration, to commence from April 2023.  The budget includes a contingency.


Discussions continued in relation to the TUPE implications with BMBC’s Human Resources Department.  It was envisaged that matters would quickly progress once the TUPE implications were fully understood.


The Community Caretaker model with BMBC Neighbourhood Service would include scheduled maintenance programme directed by the Ward Alliances.  The service will complement both the BMBC core service offer and the valuable contributions of independent community groups.  The workload would be prioritised in terms of seasonality, whilst being more ward and area specific.  Provision would be made for a joint stall with the Area Team at the community galas to liaise with the local residents.




i)          that Members noted the current position;


ii)        that Ward Members work with the Area Manager to develop the Clean and Green Agreements for each Ward.

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