Agenda item

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - Part III Applications - Speakers/Site Visits


To consider applications whereby speakers have indicated a desire to address the Regulatory Board (if any).


If you have any queries in respect of the planning applications included within this pack, or if you would like to register to speak at the meeting, please contact the Planning Department directly at or by telephoning (01226) 772593.



Planning application 2016/0439  – Variation of Condition of application 2007/2148:  Erection of four industrial units (B1, B2 and B8) each with 3 storey ancillary office accommodation, car parking, service yards and associated works; land off Wentworth Way, Wentworth Park Industrial Estate, Barnsley, S75 3DJ.


Mr Tony Plowman addressed the Board and spoke in favour of the officer recommendation to grant the application.


Mr Richard Garforth addressed the Board and spoke against the officer recommendation to grant the application.


RESOLVED that the application be granted in accordance with the officer recommendation and subject to additional condition for a Noise Management Plan, to include measures such as ‘white noise’ reversing on vehicles.


Planning application 2015/0380 Residential Development of 30 no. 2, 3, and 4 bed dwellings (Reserved Matters to application 2013/0813).


Mr Patrick Herbert addressed the Board and spoke in favour of the officer recommendation to grant the application.


RESOLVED that the application be granted in accordance with the officer recommendation and subject to signing of S106 agreement.


Planning application  2015/1388 – Demolition of existing single storey workshop, erection of three storey apartments providing 7 no. flat studios, new reconfigured external works and car parking (outline) at land off School Street, Hemingfield


Ms Ann Vaughan addressed the Board and spoke against the officer recommendation to grant the application.


In accordance with the agreed protocol, a recorded vote was taken on this planning application with the amendment to refuse the application being:-


MOVED by Councillor Stowe and SECONDED by Councillor Makinson, with voting being recorded as follows:-


In favour of the amendment to refuse the application:- Councillors D. Birkinshaw, Coates, Gollick, Hampson, Hand-Davis, Hayward, Higginbottom, Makinson, Markham, Mitchell, Noble, Richardson, Riggs, Saunders, Spence, Stowe, R. Wraith and Wilson.  The vote was unanimous in that no Councillors voted against the amendment to refuse the application and no Councillors abstained from the vote.  All Councillors present at the time of the vote actually voted.


RESOLVED that the application be refused, contrary to office recommendation, on grounds of overbearing impact on neighbouring  properties to the detriment of their residential amenities.