Agenda item

Land to the south of Bleachcroft Way, Stairfoot, Barnsley, S70 3PA - 2021/0668 - For Approval


The Head of Planning and Building Control submitted a report on Planning Application 2021/0668 -  Reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline planning permission 2017/0753 for the residential development for approximately 250 dwellings, means of access and associated works (Amended Plans and Supporting Documents proposing a development of 238 dwellings) at Land to the south of Bleachcroft Way, Stairfoot, Barnsley, S70 3PA.


RESOLVED that the application be granted in accordance with the Officer recommended subject to signing of a S106 Agreement in accordance with the terms set out in the report, with delegated powers given to officers to negotiate the inclusion of accessible housing within theon-site affordable housing provision.

Supporting documents: