Agenda item

Tobacco Action Plan/ Smoke Free Barnsley (HWB.07.06.2016/9)


The meeting received a report on the Smoke Free Barnsley Action Plan, outlining local ambitions to inspire a smoke free generation.  Partners were asked to support the plan as organisations, with the aim of making smoking invisible across the community.  Members commented on the importance of aligning this plan to the Sustainability and Transformation Plan and to clarify the timeline for achieving the various outcome measures.


The meeting noted ambitious targets for the region and nationally that would put pressure on partners to take concerted action and Members discussed the scope for reclaiming the outside of buildings and push smoking further away.  Members commented on the need for partners to support the range of proposed interventions, and the meeting noted the importance of increasing the number of referrals into the Be Well Barnsley programme from Primary Care.


RESOLVED that the Smoke Free Barnsley action plan be approved and partners seek to adopt its objectives within their organisations.


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