Agenda item

Revised CIPFA Guidance for Audit Committees in Local Government


The Head of Internal Audit, Anti-Fraud and Assurance introduced a report which informed the Committee that the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) had recently published their updated guidance for Audit Committees in Local Government. 


The Committee noted that it was therefore appropriate to re-assess the Council’s arrangements against the revised guidance to identify and consider if any changes or improvements are appropriate. 


A self-assessment had been undertaken to identify areas for change and/or improvement.  Section 4 of the report detailed the key issues arising from the self-assessment.  It was confirmed that the Council’s arrangements were significantly aligned and meet the revised guidance and, in some areas, exceed it. 


The Committee were invited to consider the guidance and discuss areas of possible improvement or change.  Any suggested changes that would impact on the Committee’s terms of reference would be considered at the next meeting in March for referral to the Annual Full Council in May.


The Head of Internal Audit, Anti-Fraud and Assurance thanked Mr Johnson for the suggestions he had submitted by email.  It was noted that consideration would be given to the suggestions in relation to obtaining assurances around the work being undertaken by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


The Committee supported the proposals outlined in section 4 of the report and noted that a further update on the proposed changes would be presented at the March meeting. 




i)           That the Committee considered the revised CIPFA Guidance, the initial self-assessment and agreed where the Council’s Audit Committee arrangements should be reviewed.


ii)          That the Committee agreed to receive proposals for any changes at the next meeting.

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