Agenda item

Revision of Contract Procedural Rules


The Committee received a report of the Head of Strategic Procurement and Contract Management outlining proposed changes to the Contract Procedure Rules which were unable to be completed in the last revision in 2019 and changes required to ensure compliance with a Procurement Audit of 2020. 


The revised Contract Procedure Rules (CPR’s), which were appended to the report had been amended to reflect the growing remit and development of procurement within the Council including innovation performed by the Strategic Procurement and Contract Management Team and recommendations in the 2020 Procurement Audit. 


The revisions made to the CPR’s were detailed in Section 3 of the report.  A number of strategic recommendations in key areas were also summarised within the report. 


In the ensuing discussion, particular reference was made to the following points:


·            A review was currently being undertaken in relation to procurement cards to look at how transactions are being controlled.  Reports were now issued to Heads of Service to show spends and to remind directorates that controls needed to be adhered to and complied with.  The Procurement Team would continue to track spends and increase reporting in this area. 

·            Assurances were provided that controls were in place regarding the ability to vary contracts and approvals were sought to increase spends in line with procurement legislation.  Any variation to contract would be risk assessed by the Procurement Team.

·            In relation to external grant funded procurements, it was confirmed that procurement rules had changed following Brexit.  There was still a requirement to undertake certain action when procuring goods and services in the EU market.  Assurances were provided that UK Procurement Rules where adhered to when procurements were being led by the Council’s Category Managers.

·            The Committee noted that phase 3 of the Procurement Team’s development work was to establish a methodology, policy and guidance note to support the Contract Procedure Rules.  In view of this, the Committee agreed to defer the report to the March meeting to allow officers to undertake further work in this area. 

·            The Committee asked that the Zero Carbon reduction target for Barnsley be amended in the report. 




i)           That the report be deferred to the March meeting to allow officers to develop a methodology, policy and guidance note to support the Contract Procedure Rules. 


ii)          That the Zero Carbon reduction target for Barnsley be amended in the Contract Procedure Rules. 

Supporting documents: