Agenda item

Enforcement Update

The Service Director Law and Governance will submit a report providing an overview of the enforcement work Licensing Officers have undertaken recently.


Members were provided with an overview of the enforcement work Licensing Officers had recently undertaken, presented by the Senior Licensing Officer.


A regular Trade Liaison Meeting was being held to facilitate communications between Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Trade and other Local Authority Departments. Feedback was given that these meetings were working well as a mechanism to cascade information to licensees and that positive feedback had been received from participants.


Members were advised that on 11 November 2022 Licensing Enforcement Officers alongside Officers from South Yorkshire Police took part in a night time operation focused on Barnsley town centre and the drivers and vehicles that work in the night time economy. The Chair of General Licensing Regulatory Board was also in attendance. The results of the vehicles inspected as part of the operation were that;


·       18 vehicles were found to be fully compliant

·       3 vehicles were found to have defective lights being two number plate lights and a main beam - all of which were rectified on the night

·       1 vehicle was suspended for failing to display the required door signage – this vehicle suspension was lifted the same night when the driver returned displaying the required signage

·       6 drivers were issued with written warnings for failing to complete their daily vehicle checks

·       6 drivers were also spoken to about the signage on the vehicles and reminded of the required standard.


During Member discussion, queries were raised as to what the licensed vehicle checks currently entailed. The advice given was that this was a paper booklet of visual checks drivers could make without being mechanically qualified. A request was made for Members to be supplied with this document for reference. Members suggested an electronic method be explored and arguments for and against this were debated. Ultimately, it was suggested that this be raised at the next Trade Liaison Meeting by the Senior Licensing Officer as a means of gathering industry feedback.


RESOLVED that Members note the update.

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