Agenda item

Heart Health Alliance - Kaye Mann - Public Health Specialist Practitioner (Sac.16.12.2022/5)


Kaye Mann, Public Health Specialist Practitioner, was welcomed to the meeting.  Members were made aware that the Heart Health Alliance was a partnership group which led on work in this area.  Work was focused on prevention, which included the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, but also covered the ongoing need for treatment.


In all indicators related to this area, Barnsley performed poorly.  Members heard that around 36,000 residents in Barnsley were living with heart and circulatory diseases and every 13 hours someone died from a heart or circulatory disease.  55 deaths a month in Barnsley were from heart and circulatory diseases.


Members noted the priorities of the Alliance, and that their work so far had been considered successful.


Members heard that 80% of premature heart attacks and strokes could be preventable which equated to 44 lives a month in Barnsley.  Work this year had been focused on identifying those with high blood pressure, which if identified and addressed could help reduce heart attacks and strokes.


With regards to strokes, Members heard that those suffering required treatment within 4.5hours.  The regional average was 4 hours, but the data for Barnsley showed 52 hours.  Members questioned the reasons behind this, and issues such as presenting at Accident and Emergency, rather than telephoning 999, and people thinking they would be ok were noted.


Members noted the focus in 2023 on preventing strokes, and factors contributing to increasing the chances of stroke were acknowledged. Members noted the campaign to increase awareness of what to do if someone is having a stroke and it was noted that officers would work with residents to devise a more local campaign.


A mentioned previously, work had taken place on a blood pressure campaign, with free checks being undertaken in communities, including libraries, markets and in large businesses.  Dearne and North areas, and men 50-60 had been specifically targeted, but the campaign had been extended throughout the borough.


In addition, members noted work to increase physical activity with the message that everyone could move more, and the promotion of NHS health checks to ensure people attended and issues picked up earlier.


It was noted that all work was underpinned by the Heart Health Plan 2022-25.


Members discussed the subject at length, including the reasons behind the concerning data. Concern was raised around the shortage of GPs and waiting times.  Also of concern was the distance to stroke specialists in Wakefield and Doncaster, and for the high numbers of residents waiting for procedures in Barnsley, with the need for this to be reduced. Members also discussed ongoing issues with the Ambulance Service.


It was suggested that the Area Council and Ward Alliances had a part to play in encouraging health checks, and promoting public health messages. A  suggestion was made that additional equipment could be purchased to enable Members and officers to undertake basic checks such as for blood pressure, in the community.  It was suggested that that all Members could participate in checks at the next meeting of Full Council, and that this be used to promote their uptake.  Work could also be supported to address contributory factors such as improving movement, and diet.



i)             That thanks be given for the presentation and facilitating discussion on this subject;

ii)            That concerns regarding the high numbers on waiting lists be referred to the Executive Director Place Health and Adult Social Care;

iii)          That Members and relevant officers be trained to undertake basic health checks in community settings; and

iv)          That concerns around the time taken for residents experiencing a Stroke to receive treatment be referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Chair and Officers for them to consider including in their future workplan.

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