Agenda item

Tidy Team Contract Review and Future Direction (Sac.16.12.2022/7)


Members received the report and discussed the implications of giving notice to Twiggs Grounds Maintenance.  Members heard how officers in legal services were considering obligations such as the transfer of staff and equipment and whether these applied, and Members would be informed of the outcome.



i)             That the background information and current position, together with options outlined in the report be noted;

ii)            That the option for a further year of the Tidy Team contract be declined, and notice be issued to Twiggs Grounds Maintenance to conclude the contract on 31st March 2023;

iii)          That any Members be informed on the outcome of discussions between officers in Legal Services and Twiggs Grounds Maintenance about obligations relating to the transfer of any staff or equipment at the end of the contract period;

iv)          That a Service Level Agreement (SLA) be developed with BMBC Neighbourhood Services to provide a South Environmental Caretaker Service to provide supplementary services over the provision of the wider Council service at a cost of £120,963 per annum for 1 year from monies already ringfenced for the Improving the Environment priority;

v)            That a Community Development Officer (30 hours per week) be recruited to sit within the South Area Team at a cost of up to £34,804 per year for an initial period of 1 year from monies rinfenced from the Improving the Environment priority;

vi)          That authority be delegated to the Executive Director Public Health and Communities to complete all necessary paperwork to agree the SLA and recruit the Community Development Officer, as outlined in the report, following consultation with Members of South Area Council.

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