Agenda item

Quarter 2 Performance Report (Dac.05.12.2022/6)


Members received the report, noting its content.


During Member discussion, it was highlighted in particular that the service provided by DIAL was value for money and that the support provided to benefits claimants was substantial. A concern was raised that any significant overlap between the support provided by DIAL and CAB should be addressed.


For both quarter 1 and quarter 2 it was acknowledged that despite the offer of face-to-face support being minimal, both DIAL and CAB had significantly higher figures that previously recorded. It was speculated this was achieved through telephone consultations and acknowledgment there was even further potential for growth as face-to-face appointments had at that time returned. The importance of this in-person support was agreed by Members, particularly for those residents who would struggle to complete paperwork unassisted.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.

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