Agenda item

Young People Update


Jade Beever (Early Intervention and Prevention Worker) delivered an update.


It was advised that the Junior, Senior and Additional Needs groups were all well-attended. The service was working on several projects, as follows:


·       A project partnered with the University of Sheffield, which captured stories from young people in the Dearne area, focused on culture, likes and dislikes and looked to the future.

·       A project centred around The Heart of the Wood by Martin Riley, a story that focused on children and pit communities. This project was planned to run for a full year and would incorporate the creative arts, namely, acting, choir singing, set design and film production. The final performance was scheduled to take place in late 2023 at The Dearne Playhouse and options were being explored to subsidise tickets and book sales.

·       A project partnered with Project 14 that would deliver artwork for the exterior of Dearne Youth Centre and a mural inside.


During Member discussion, a question was raised as to whether the service offered intervention for Anti-Social Behaviour. It was advised that high-level ASB was dealt with through a multi-agency approach headed by the Police and that a low-level ASB provision could be delivered by the team, although part-time contracts were stated as difficult to be recruited to at that time, hence capacity was low.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.