Agenda item

Quarter 2 Performance Report (Pac.01.12.2022/5)


Members received the report, noting its content.


During member discussion a suggestion was made that any extension to the existing Clean Green and Tidy contract delivered by Twiggs Grounds Maintenance would require close monitoring to ensure that it could meet the area’s needs and offer value for money. Recent experience of work on land owned by a housing association not being undertaken was given as an example of where swifter resolution was needed. The Area Council Manager advised more regular contact was needed going forward.


A suggestion was made that Barnsley Citizens Advice be invited to the next meeting of Penistone Area Council to provide a more detailed update of their contract which was due to finish at the end of March 2023. An additional proposal was made that a date should be considered for a 2023 Penistone Area Council Volunteer Celebration Event, which would form part of the borough-wide celebrations of the 10-year anniversary of Area Council working arrangements.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.

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