Agenda item

Procurement and Finance Update (Cen.09.11.2022/7)


The Area Council Manager introduced the report noting that lot two of the clean and green procurement had been unsuccessful, and that the need for this service had largely been surpassed.  It was there for suggested that the finance been returned to the main Area Council budget.


With regards to the services to reduce social isolation and loneliness, Members heard that all projects had exceeded their targets and demand was on an upward trajectory.  Therefore, after considering other options it was recommended that the projects be extended for a further year.


With reference to Supporting Vulnerable People, Members were reminded that this issue had been discussed at a recent workshop where intelligence and data around this issue had been considered, alongside the locality-based review of welfare services. Also noted were the presentations on Welfare Advice Services earlier on the agenda.  Given that this area remained a priority for the Area Council, it was suggested that a Supporting Vulnerable People Fund was commissioned, with a financial envelope of £65,000 per year for two years.


The meeting went on to consider detached youth work provision in the area, provided by YMCA and The Youth Association.  It was noted that demand for both services remained high and it was therefore suggested that both be extended.  The Area Council Manager noted a discrepancy within the report, as both projects ran until 30th June 2024, therefore any extension would be for 12 months following this date. 


It was noted that the current service to support Children and Young People improve their emotional resilience would come to an end in March 2024.  Given that the need remained for the service, it was suggested that £140,000 per annum be allocated for two years to enable the procurement of a similar service.


The Area Council Manager then drew the attention of Members to the current financial situation, and that predicted going forward if the recommendations presented were agreed.


Members discussed the proposals, and it was noted that since the establishment of Area Councils there had been no uplift in the budget.  It was suggested that the Area Chair could take this as an action point to discuss with relevant officers.


Questions were also received in relation to the work of Ward Alliances in supporting communities in the current financial climate.  It was remarked that the Area Council in previous years had devolved additional finance to the Ward Alliances, but that if recommendations were agreed this may not be possible.


The significant demands on Ward Alliance budgets for such as the erection of Christmas lights were also noted and the Chair agreed to discuss the costs with relevant officers at the meeting of Ward Alliance Chairs.


Members acknowledged the national situation, and the potential impact on Council budgets and the need to make difficult decisions going forward.



i)             That the overview of Central Area Council’s current priorities, and overview of all current contracts, contract extensions, Service Level Agreements and Well-being Fund projects with associated timescales be noted;

ii)            That the actual financial position to date for 2022/23 and the projected expenditure, including future proposals, to 2023/23 as outline in Appendices 1 and 2 of the report be noted;

iii)          That an environmental education service no longer be procured and that the £50,000 allocated be returned to the main commissioning budget;

iv)          That the Social Isolation and Loneliness Grants be extended for a further year, as follows:-

a.    Age UK grant funding of My Community, My Life Project from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 at a cost of £42,000

b.    Reds In the Community grant funding of Reds Connect project from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 at a cost of £15,500;

c.    MIND grant funding of Thriving Communities Project from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 at a cost of £41,800;

v)            That the commissioning of service via a ‘Supporting Vulnerable People Fund’ with a financial envelope of £65,000 per year for two years, from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2025 (to include the procurement of Welfare Advice Services within its scope) be approved;

vi)          That the establishment of the ‘Supporting Vulnerable People Fund’ be progressed by the Area Manager, in conjunction with a panel made up of Elected Members from the Area Council, with delegated responsibility for the approval of all necessary paperwork required for the procurement of these grants delegated to the Executive Director Public Health and Communities;

vii)         That approval be given to extend the following youth work grants:-

a.    The Youth Association grant funding of Streetsmart project form 1st July 2024 to 30th June 2025 at a cost of £52,000;

b.    YMCA grant funding of Detached Youth Work in Dodworth and Gilroyd from 1stJuly 2024 to 30th June 2025 at a cost of £12,395;

viii)       That approval be given to establish a new Children and Young People’s Emotional Resilience Service, with a financial envelope of £140,000 per annum for two years;

ix)          That the procurement of a Children and Young People’s Emotional Resilience Service be progressed by the Area Manager in conjunction with a panel of Members of the Area Council, with delegated responsibility for the approval of any necessary paperwork delegated to the Executive Director Public Health and Communities;

x)            That the contingency budget of £33,446 as forecasted by the carry forward balance as at 31st March 2025 be noted. This remains available to cover any unexpected risks to services and to ensure the Area Council can respond to emerging need.

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