Agenda item

Place-Based Partnership Dashboard (HWBB 2022.10.6/8)


An update was provided by Jeremy Budd, Director of Strategic Commissioning and Partnerships.  Members heard how the dashboard featured key issues and trends across social care, with the work led by the Health Intelligence Unit.


Weekly Covid reports had shared data more widely and consideration was being given whether this could be replicated for more general data.


Members were asked whether there was appetite to consider this in more detail at a development session in the future.  It was suggested that the dashboard could focus on prevention, health inequalities and the wider determinants of health.


In the discussion it was suggested that the dashboard needed to be fit for purpose for the Healthcare Partnership and the  board, and also link with the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment


The  South Yorkshire Direct Care Strategy – Care Plan and Delivery Plan was mentioned, and the board’s place to discuss what qualitative and quantitative insights were relevant to strategic objectives. It was noted that the dashboard would demonstrate the distance travelled, ensure transparency and collective responsibility.



i)             That thanks be given for the update; and

ii)            That the dashboard be supported and regularly brought to the Health and Wellbeing Board.