Agenda item

Planning Appeals - July and August 2022


The Head of Planning and Building Control submitted an update regarding cumulative appeal totals for 2022/23.


The report indicated that no appeal had been received in July, 2022, no appeals had been withdrawn and three appeals had been determined, two of which had been dismissed and one allowed.


In August, 2022, 5 appeals had been received, no appeals had been withdrawn and 5 appeals had been determined, four of which had been dismissed and 1 allowed.


The report also gave details of the cumulative appeals totals for the whole of 2022/23 which indicated that 17 appeals had been determined since 1st April, 2022.  However, three applications were duplicated in the report so the actual number of appeals determined had been 14.  This did not change the percentage that were reported to the Board as this remained at 71% having been dismissed and 29% having been allowed since 1st April, 2022.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.

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