Agenda item

Report on the Use of Ward Alliance Funds (Neac.22.9.2022/8)


Lisa Phelan, Area Council Manager, presented this report which informed Members of the agreed spend to date from Ward Alliance Funds within the North East Area for 2022/23 and appendices to the report outlined the profile of the spending for each Ward Alliance together with the remining allocations available.  This also gave details of the remaining allocations carried foreword for the financial period 2021/22.


It was reported that future reports would provide a narrative alongside the financial data showing monitoring undertaken of the spending against the allocated budget/finance.  It was also intended that the detailed narrative report would be provided every six months.


Arising out of the discussion, a request was made for an update to be provided on parking enforcement and Phase 2 of the Shop Front Schemes.


 RESOLVED that the report be noted.

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