Agenda item

Notes of the Following Ward Alliances with Feedback from each Ward Alliance Chair (Neac.22.9.2022/7)

Cudworth – held on 5th July, 2022

Monk Bretton – held on 29th July, 2022

North East – held on 21st July, 2022

Royston – held on 4th July, 2022


The meeting received notes from the Cudworth, Monk Bretton, North East and Royston Ward Alliances held throughout July and September.  The following updates were noted:-


Cudworth – there had been a busy summer programme and further feedback could be provided.  Dorothy Hyman was proposing to host events in October half term and further details and costings were awaited.


There had been a break-in of the container at Pocket Park and the gazebos had been stolen.  In view of the fact that these were used in other areas, the Ward Alliance had asked if a financial contribution could be made towards their replacement.  Once replaced they would have to be kept at a different location for security reasons. Details of actual costings were being obtained which could then be considered by other Ward Alliances.  Councillor Makinson also stated that the North East Ward had a large gazebo which could also be loaned to other areas if required.


The Environment Group had lost some members as a result of the Covid pandemic but others had now joined and further events were being planned.


The Food Bank in Cudworth was also continuing to run successfully and was available for people from the whole of the area.


Monk Bretton – at the last meeting grant applications had been awarded to various groups including Physical Features (Gala) (part funding), Monk Bretton Ari Scouts (part funding) and Jolly Good Communities (part funding).


The activities over the summer had been successful with good attendance.  Money had been allocated for the arrangements for Remembrance Sunday and a meeting was to be held next week to agree those arrangements.  Councillor Houghton suggested that Members should contact Matthew Bell (Head of Highways) as it was important that all remembrance events went ahead without a hitch.  There was a discussion about liability insurance and related issues and Rachel Payling confirmed that Councillors had appropriate liability insurance cover whilst undertaking Council activities.


Councillor Richardson circulated the minutes of the Ward Alliance held last week. He made particular reference to the costings associated with the provision of Christmas Trees within the area.  Similar costing issues had been encountered with the provision of hanging baskets.  It was suggested that Members should discuss these issues with appropriate officers to see if the areas of concern could be addressed.  Rachel Payling would take this matter up as it might be possible to reduce costs and achieve economies of scale on behalf of all Ward Alliances.


Royston – No meetings had been held since July as the September meeting had been delayed because of holidays.  It was due to be held next Monday.


The Barnsley in Bloom celebrations were due to be held in mid-October in the Town Hall and there had been two entries, Royston Canal Club and Royston Green Spaces.


The Green Space Group was continuing to meet monthly and fundraising had continued at the Gala. Over £600 had been raised and spend on various projects.  In addition, scouts had also continued fund raising.


Support was also being given to the Friends of Royston Group and a Food Bank was being run by the Royston Salvation Army.


North East – there had been two meetings and a lot of time had been spent on planning to ensure that there was appropriate organisation in place and that funding was appropriately allocated going forward.  Investigation were being undertaken to possibly organise a Volunteer of the Year event at the Town Hall in March 2023 and it was hoped that winners could be given vouchers to spend in the local area, thereby, assisting the local business community.


Arising out of the above, there was a discussion about how best volunteer presentations could be organised.  It was noted that a 10-year anniversary celebration was being considered and planned for all volunteers and there was a discussion as to whether or not this should be a centrally organised event for all Area Councils or whether these should be more local events.  Rachel Payling briefly outlined the discussions that were taking place, how success stories might be captured and what type of presentation/event might be considered.


RESOLVED that the notes from the Ward Alliances be received.

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