Agenda item

Procurement and Financial Summary Report (Pac.15.09.2022/6)


The item was introduced by the Area Council Manager who drew members attention to the DIAL contract that was due to expire at the end of December, 2022.  A further application had been received for a 12 month contract at a cost of £5198.  Members were informed that following later consideration of what the future Welfare Advice Service offer would look like, it would be recommended to proceed with a grant panel to avoid any gaps between the new service coming into effect.  An application had been received from Angel Voices at a cost of £8650, to carry out a similar project to an older age group due to the success of the Younger Peoples project.  A grant panel would be arranged for the end of September.


At this point in proceedings, Councillor Barnard returned to the meeting and resumed Chair.


Members noted that a total of £24,834 remained in the grant pot and were advised that should both applications for funding be approved, a total of £10,986 would remain.


The Working Together Grant Fund – Supporting Young People had 4 projects approved at a total cost of £40,574 resulting in an overspend of £574 which would be added from the main Working Together Grant Fund budget.


Members had taken part in a robust review workshop for the future Clean, Green and Tidy Service during August 2022 to consider future requirements for the service.  Members agreed to allocate £100,000 from the 2023/24 Penistone Area Council budget for the first year of a one plus one plus one contract commencing on 1st April, 2023.  Members were presented with 2 options for how they would wish to progress the procurement exercise as outlined in the report and opted for the more flexible approach of giving the Executive Director Public Health and Communities delegated powers with a view to being consulted and providing input on the specification outside of the formal Area Council meetings.  


The Penistone Ward Alliance had an overall total of £14,665.23 remaining in the 2022/23 budget.  This was to be reviewed by members at the next Area Council Members as to whether they would wish to allocate additional funds from the main budget for future spend.


A workshop had been held on 8th September, 2022 to review Area Council Priorities and it had been agreed to keep the existing priorities with a view to focus on the cost of living pressures.


Members were provided with an overview of the 2022/23 budget.  It was noted that of the £101,904 remaining that £13,845 was ringfenced money from the Self Isolation Fund covid pot and remained to be allocated. 




(i)         that the update on contracts funded by the existing Supporting Isolated and Older People Grant fund and new contract position be noted;


(ii)        that the update on the current financial position of the Penistone Working Together Fund be received and the applications requiring a decision for funding be noted;


(iii)       that the update on the Supporting Young People ringfenced funds within the existing Working Together Grant Fund and the update on the progress with round 2 of the funding be received;


(iv)       that the updates on the Clean and Tidy contract started in April 2020 be noted;


(v)        that £100k from the 2023/24 Penistone Area Council budget to procure a future service of the Clean and Tidy Contract on a one plus one plus one basis to commence for 12 months from April, 2023 be approved;


(vi)       that, in relation to the Clean and Tidy Contract, the option to give the Executive Director Public Health and Communities devolved responsibility to agree all necessary paperwork to take forward the procurement of the service following consultation with members of the Penistone Area Council be approved;


(vii)      that the outcomes from the workshop held on 8th September, 2022 in relation to the review of Penistone Area Council Priorities be agreed;


(viii)     that the update on the Ward Alliance budget be noted;


(ix)       that the current financial budget position for 2022/23 and record of allocated spend be noted.

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